Human relations successful is an important issue for every individual. In our society people are strong and hard and soft character and people with weak character.
Sometimes the eyes of the people is much better than a person has a strong character, because it helps you not be influenced, and not allow others want to take advantage of them, on the other hand people with nature weak are very impressionable and often allow another way to handle their actions that end up giving in to what others say.
In short, a person with a strong character can seem very sure of herself and to respect their ideas and space at all times. However, some people with this kind of character also tend to think that their ideas are the only reasonable and that the ideas and thoughts of others that contradict what they think does not make much sense, often close to this, refusing to accept that things may be different, being against it, people can not be inflexible where gray to them, things are black or white but never gray.
A person of character soft or weak, has accepted most of the ideas and thoughts of others, often changes his mind so easily simply to please others, so, who is you lose respect for these people, and begins to manipulate at will and he realizes that the weak person does not resist. In this sense, the weak person seems not to have your own opinion, since it is more important what others say or think the same.
between these two types of character there is an ideal of character which is flexible enough to respect and understand other points of views, ideas and opinions of the people, and so firm as to keep one's viewpoint without allowing it to disrespect yourself.
A person who is able to balance his character that everyone has the right understanding to be and think differently, even though this is firm to their beliefs, and interact with others who think differently without any problems, have tolerance, empathy and flexibility to have successful human relations.
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