Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Betsy And Adam At Davids Bridal

Dear Readers:

With all my might be called the last exhibition was inaugurated on April 7 in space Castalia cultural exhibition center Iuris of our city, located in the Plaza Cardona Vives, 10 - (basement), the young sculptor Manuel Martí Moreno (Valencia, 1979).

Although the sample could remind us some background iconographic reference such as: the Catalan Jaume Plensa, (image 1 paragraph) the Israeli Niso Maman (picture 2 of paragraph ) or even some young goldsmith work of Canadian Bert Lambie, (picture 3 of paragraph) sample Marti Moreno, is of great aesthetic appeal and a good command of both technical aspects drawing and anatomy, as those involved in the process of making parts, such as support, knowledge about the materials used, layout, etc. Martí Moreno shows in his work a set of human heads, some of them of heroic proportions, combining two main types or genres of sculpture, on the one hand, the high relief in which the young sculptor used in their modeling, a fine mesh of plastic or metal way of tulle, which gives the piece not only a disquieting transparency (unusual in this genre) if not also an expressive and sometimes enigmatic facial expressions on display. Moreover, we find the bust sculpture, the latter with a very evocative sense of volume, where the author brings together in a beautiful three-dimensional organic relationship, both the physical volume, as that which justified the virtual space (gap) indicates the correct termination of the piece.

Thus, we find a result that despite the supposed weight that would suggest a head of such proportions, thanks to finish unfinished business sense, the result of the work up before our eyes visual lightness, fragility and beauty.

Perhaps this resource of the fragmented or "unfinished", might well speak in a conceptual sense of his speech, the always necessary capacity to improve you must have the individual throughout his life, or put another way, the need to be built himself gradually. A common truth that has been most consistently represented (as it has done the author) from the anonymous faces that are exposed in the exhibition. As this resource is relevant to all individuals equally, not only allows us to relate and interact better with the environment and other human beings, but it also acts as a valuable tool for survival in the environment.

could also allude to the philosophical meaning that relates to the parties to the whole and vice versa, that we speak of concrete knowledge of reality, which is not in the systematic addition of facts to others, but a process of completion, which comes from all the parties and the parties to it.

But anyway, whatever the cause theoretical result justifying this wonderful exhibition, the fact is that the sample of Manuel Martí Moreno sculptures now on display at the cultural center of our city Iuris Castalia is a good example that I have enjoyed, among other reasons, for its professionalism and aesthetic beauty.

The exhibition will remain open until the next day 26 and would really be a shame not to see it.

to the next installment.

Amaury Suárez.


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