Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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Why is it important to forgive?

Many times when they hurt us greatly, or perhaps when we are the ones we hurt those we love most, it is extremely difficult to come to forgive the offense, and even forgive ourselves achieve the behavior performed. It is in these moments where guilt, resentment, disappointment, anger or frustration are nested in the heart of the person and begins to wreak havoc in your life.

All these negative feelings, they begin to consume the person so that your life stops being pleasant and agreeable, and becomes instead, plenty of moments to remember the bitterness of the situation experienced this suffering to which we cling does not allow us to feel freedom and serenity, but also carried a burden that we decided to keep holding it for long.

Some people believe that forgiveness makes them weak, it is common to hear, "May God forgive you because I do not forgive." But forgiveness far from being a balm of peace for the other person, it is important by the tranquility and peace of mind of the person who is offended, abused, etc.

The importance of forgiveness lies in clearing all the negative feelings causing you this emotion, free of the anger, hatred and bitterness and feel at peace because your feelings do not keep your heart damage. The

remain the same person who hurt you is choice, it is not cover the sun with a finger trying to remove from your heart that hurts you, they are negative feelings, and continue with your life, because you're ready.

Forgiveness is not easy, it's a road that crosses slowly and gradually, so no do it for the good of others, do it because that's best for you, do not charge toxic emotions that defile your mind.


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