Saturday, March 26, 2011

Renato Soru Sardinia 2011

"I just painted." What thought?

Dear Readers:

Under the title "freshly painted" was opened on 24th March in the exhibition space Castalia Iuris cultural center of our city, located on the Plaza Cardona Vives, 10 (basement) the exhibition of paintings by Lorenzo Ramirez Castellon (Borriol - 1952) which will remain open to the public until the next day on April 6.

After a long period of trial and error, entering iconography of other artists, including Picasso, and I guess I have served as a benefit Lorenzo, at least to know that had little or nothing to do with the conceptual characteristics, expressive and his painting method, it returns to its roots for what has always been, with some personality and obvious result, a painter of manners ; which is therefore interested in the traditions that characterize people of this region, among which love for the powder and the corresponding symphony of noise, full of regional festivals and pagan religion, bullfighting and other activities Castellón make an entire scenario is always connected to the earth, stands with its own identity in this Spain, increasingly plural.

On this occasion (and I think rightly so) Lorenzo Ramírez speaks through his work the vivid color and temperament of someone who handles the technical and some of its resources, security and trade. With a firm stroke, sometimes very schematic, many of his paintings, especially those that deviate formally simple narrative description of the object, buy a decorative beauty, where treatment is free of brush strokes wrapped up in expressive gestures of great suggestion in the speech.

Apparently, Lorenzo Ramirez continued his walk search and experimentation, gradually moving away from those years where the outcome of his paintings (mostly landscapes of large celajes) approached him directly to the expressionism "Porcariano" Impressionist reminiscence. At present this exhibition, the artist travels to a major release of its palette, making a colorful result, more reading suggestions and freedom in the visual field and also aims to convey content. With a language close to an iconography Fauvist, Lorenzo is moving away from those "scenarios" grayed out, that little or no difference with established reference source emanating from the work of the master Juan Bautista Porcar Ripollés (1889 -1974) and Lorenzo drank in each of his paintings, almost to "drown" (I hope you've already been quenched their thirst.)

Moreover Ramirez around custom themes is something that is appreciated with hopeful optimism and encouragement, as in this line, and very few applicants, have been the grounds on which to recreate intense painters area, the vast majority, very few exceptions, have always seized with a simple, descriptive and very superficial, which apart from not providing anything new, or the content, or form, are detrimental achieve highest intent and cultured values identity.

Lorenzo would be good to take note of this because there even some examples in this exhibition, which would have been better not to have exposed, echoing precisely this issue. He has been a "scholar" of the work of Picasso, should know that the genius from Malaga said, "I do not paint what I see, I paint what I feel and everything that can be imagined is real" and that the concept of reality should not be understood in art, doing real things but the reality of things, is why the shrine of the Magdalene recreated through the eyes of a painter, should be more than the simple description and surface of a modest white building located on the heights of a mountain, where we come in massive pilgrimage when the festivities of the Magdalena, and much more too it should be, the Basilica of the Virgin of Lidón, the absolute mistress region as well as other aspects and elements that distinguish this area both as to the idiosyncrasies of Castellon.

Despite this reflection, I think the shows that now offers Lorenzo Ramirez Castalia Iuris cultural center, and will remain open to the public until the next day, April 6, has not only a laudable quality beauty, if not broadly consistent with our city's momentum in these days of big party Magdalena, where it is recalled that since 1251 the population of this area established their permanent settlement and prosperous, fertile at the Castellon, search approach and also an outlet to the Mediterranean Sea. That is why I invite all to attend to her, because I am sure you will enjoy.

to the next installment. Amaury Suárez


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