When we are fully committed to achieving the goals of life that we have proposed, the achievement of several of them, leave space in our route to go for new goals . Sometimes we have so many things in mind we want to pursue, because of this, there are many ideas that seem feasible and roads that are attractive us to continue our successful way forward.
When we have absolute clarity about the next step we want to give, the world can present thousands of roads and your mind will show that each has its advantages, and ultimately, the result is:
- · Confusion
- · Wastage of time
- · Lost address
- · empty feeling
- · Concern about the future
- · Desperation and feelings impotence, etc. .
previous symptoms vary from person to person, but inevitably something happens, when we have not taken a brief respite in our accelerated career day.
Today, I found that break, and dissipate my doubts about the next step I have to give in my path to success, in my present journey into the future that awaits me, and after thinking and thinking Bearing in mind all the things I could do at this stage of my life and my career, everything was to be a tempting way to go, but deep inside me, the answer was given long ago, after studying the possibilities of repeating what I really wanted to achieve, to weigh a lot, and listening to suggestions from other people especially my husband, I realized I had that answer for a long time and had refused to see me perhaps out of fear.
take an important decision to take the next step in my career, jumped into my main focus right now has been a relief to mental stress I'd been feeling the past two months without even knowing it.
To which I'm going with this, the relevant point is that it presents to make decisions with mental clarity sure path to success future. Considering that the more we give back to different ideas, the more confusing is the problem and more difficult to know what you want.
Therefore I suggest that when you have to take a next step to get where you want, skip the thinking of thousands of options, and put yourself in the task of clarifying what you really want to achieve , what is your inner self tells you to do , and does por qué resulta tan importante o ventajoso para ti el lograr eso pronto?.
Ya que hayas resuelto estas inquietudes, puedes sentirte más tranquilo para tomar una decisión más acertada, que sin importar la dificultad que presente el llevarla a cabo, te presentará una a una las soluciones que puedes comenzar a utilizar para ir dándole forma a tu meta.
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