Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Many People Can Fit In A 14' Jon Boat


Case # 5. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE: Another important aspect is the resistance to change at different stages of life. Obviously as time passes things change so inevitable and it is essential that people are willing to change too.

brings Refusing to change resulting frustration, anger, sadness, melancholy, and other negative feelings and emotions, which far from helping in the advancement of a successful path, it becomes a pain and a way to miss the adventure of life. People who clings to live in the past and not let go of both good and bad things they have experienced, they can not enjoy this, and this causes problems in your relationships with people instead if still living, and making changes when changes are needed.

The change is evident from what we have to be alert so that we make the necessary changes when they have to be to pretend that life will continue in the same way I used to be, is deceiving himself and is resigned to a painful moment of living in the past.

To avoid falling into this resistance I recommend:

Be constantly checking situations to be aware of any developments.

Learning new things and keep up to date with the news of the day.

continuously in all aspects, so the change will find something very normal and good for your life and that of others.

Port Royale 2 Mutiplayer Patch

fragmented "Pleasures very bland"

Dear Readers:

On Thursday March 24 was opened at the municipal center of the street culture of Antonio Maura 4, the exhibition entitled "Pleasures" Coca done by the team, which will remain open until the next day April 9.

In at least "curious" that exposure could qualify from the group consisting Concha Daud and Carmen Miranda. The first Doctor of Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the second self-taught painter with a degree in clinical psychology from UNED. And I say this because although the idea that this exhibition brings, it is very unique in its proposal, how far you run it produces in us the "pleasure" to which it refers. Know that this will both authors in the culinary arts, but if cooked as paint, any hospital menu would taste better than food that they could do, and few would be guests of discerning palates, who could sit at his table to taste them.

Perhaps the key to this "tasteless" pictorial result is, that (as reflected in the catalog of the sample), both directly affect both the process of creating the works, as in implementation, and it almost never usually bring good results. And it's not because I think that the execution of the work should be undertaken by the specialist team, in this case Daud Concha, NO!, I have seen in the last 20 years in Spain, many terrible painters (which does not mean that is the case) who held bachelor's degree and doctorate in art, with inadequate training both in the realm of the theoretical and the practical level, where any distance learning course on-line or by correspondence, have yielded better results. And conversely, I have also seen not only excellent self-taught artists with interesting proposals in his speeches plastic, if not also a quintessential art that were worthy of respect and recognition from both critics and experts, and public art in general. The question is, which covered on that "originality" that today has to be "modern", any experiment is made both in material (media, pictorial material, binders, use of instruments etc.) and ideas or even the processes of creation, appears as a condition without ecuanum in contemporary art and this show I think is a good example.

Unlike a piano piece, which can be played with four hands, and even six more interpreters, one box (and do not speak of a plastic action) can only respond to its essence unique piece, when executed by a single author, so it reaches only the reliability, consistency and rigor of the finishes and treatments, (and if they influence more than one author) roles impact on the work must be well defined, taking responsibility for each "author" executor "of the plot that corresponds to action, because otherwise, the result is poor, incomplete, and inadequate and childish case of this exhibition we want to talk about the pleasure of taste, "very dull."

think that to achieve a good match in terms of pleasure, of the senses of taste and sight (as it seems is the conceptual intent of this exhibition) Coca team was due to demand greater breadth and rigor in the works visual resources, better color, better picture, better finishes, better and more daring compositions, finally, best paintings. These do not even see them hanging on the walls of a restaurant, serving a simple decorative function, perhaps a cafe or bar on the beach, but not one of those who have more than 3 or more forks. For even be represented in each table, the most succulent food, sweet desserts and the most delicious fruits, if they do not catch the eye, it is very difficult to convince anyone of pleasure that makes us taste. Perhaps it would have been better to speak of "feelings" as the title of the sample and not "pleasure", as the subjective experience spectrum sensational is higher and wider, as well as noted in the catalog of the exhibition (in my opinion contradictory intentions) pleasure is the absence of pain or any kind of torment: hunger, boredom ... I prefer to define the pleasure and taste, pleasant feeling, with the capacity to desire, or as full satisfaction without impediment.

I hope at least that this time, the pleasures offered us Coca team with his presentation, have been present on the day of its inauguration on the evening of March 24 with wine tasting, for it that exposure does not cause the sensation of pleasure you want, the unless you can talk about how good it was the wine. This nectar of the gods, who drank in moderation, it is a great pleasure.

I can not conclude this opinion, without first a deserved mention the anonymous designer of the exhibition catalog, which has managed with skill and good taste make the best of the pictures, it hurts then there is reality been so different and disappointed.

The exhibition will remain open until April 9 in 10-14 hours and 17-21 hours. Closed Saturdays and holidays.

to the next installment.

Amaury Suárez

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Von Welcher Firma Ist It Atx 400


Case # 4. LACK OF BALANCE IN THE DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF LIFE: is common to hear complaints from people about relationships do not go well, due to the stress of living in these accelerated times, lack of time to spend with family, extreme fatigue due to strenuous working hours and lack of energy that just causes sleepiness, relax and do not leave. The consequence is that people around you feel rejected, isolated, and unimportant. Shooting within them feelings of frustration and resentment against the person living the hectic life.

In these cases it is important to balance different aspects such as work, family, social and personal, so that to maintain a level appropriate activities for interpersonal relations are not affected by this reason.

How to balance each field in your life?

and times set limits on everything you do, whether it's your job, your leisure, your duties etc.

Plan your activities and considers only the things that you meet every day

If your work is absorbent can always put limits on it, do not be afraid to speak and ask that you respect your schedule. No matter what level you have a job, you always have the right to request that your personal life and your space and time are respected.

Do not make promises you can not fulfill. It is better to be honest to disappoint those who love you with false promises.

Remember that time that you spend with your family today, tomorrow may no longer want to share with you.

So make time for everything, if you act in an organized way you can balance this part and to meet all and feel satisfied.

Xterra Differential Hex Mm


Case # 3. DO NOT KNOW LISTEN Closing our minds in some situations while remaining focused on our own feelings and emotions and away about what the other person feels or perceived, limits us in relationships, so that we can hear what other person really wants to communicate, instead, we hear what we hear, and we interpret the message according to our sense of time, since we are engaged in what we believe or closing the senses perceive different channels.

How to listen to your partner?

Practicing empathy, so open your mind and try to put yourself in the place of that person, do not focus on your feelings and your views as if they were the only ones who should be respected and understood, includes all see things from different points and so what for you is good and right for another may be totally wrong.

interpretations do not without asking and make sure you understand the message of your partner, do not assume something you do not have this literally, sometimes reminds choose to believe what we believe and we leave so much of what your partner trying to communicate.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bob Marley Acrylic Nail Tip Green Yellow And Red


Case # 2.CREENCIA OR NEED FOR THE REASON MOST OF THE TIME : The fact that we have ways of thinking and beliefs, does not mean the only correct way of doing things. The need to be right about different situations by some people causing disruption in interpersonal relationships because it creates a separation between individuals as to who they believe to be right or need to have it, sometimes more important here that maintaining a healthy relationship with someone who disagrees with their ideas.

What to do?

To avoid hurt relationships is important to be aware that we are all different beings, and we have ideas and beliefs that are the same ones that make us unique and understanding that we practice respect and tolerance for people.

This does not mean you have to agree in whole or accept what others say just to take the party in peace, it means having the ability to understand the diversity and not try to convince the rest of the world that your arguments are correct or are the only rules that everyone has to follow to feed your ego.

The only person you have to convince is yourself if you think your way forward is the best and I have been working in this way, then you need not convince anyone, since every one who knows what is best for him. As long as you do not damage anyone with your attitude, you can live your life to your terms.

respect of space, time and the thinking of others are important points of care provided.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Doujin Unwanted-pregnancy


In my role as student, friend, wife and daughter all my life, coupled with over 7 years as an educator working with children, youth and adults from different institutions, and continued close interaction with parents and in my time counseling practice, I could highlight different aspects by which interpersonal relationships are affected.

This involvement takes place for different reasons.

Let's go exploring in this series of articles, each of these 5 cases and how we can improve every aspect addressed.

Case # 1. LITTLE FLEXIBILITY OF THINKING: The inability to accept different ideas and thoughts of people affects interpersonal relationships as people inflexible in their thinking have low tolerance for individual differences, and this sometimes leads them to not respect people with different criteria causing major difficulties in human relationships.

Here it is important to develop tolerance taking as an exercise to know different points of view of people, considering his life story to try to understand why they think or feel a certain way. Respect the ideologies trying to avoid controversy or become judges of others.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Renato Soru Sardinia 2011

"I just painted." What thought?

Dear Readers:

Under the title "freshly painted" was opened on 24th March in the exhibition space Castalia Iuris cultural center of our city, located on the Plaza Cardona Vives, 10 (basement) the exhibition of paintings by Lorenzo Ramirez Castellon (Borriol - 1952) which will remain open to the public until the next day on April 6.

After a long period of trial and error, entering iconography of other artists, including Picasso, and I guess I have served as a benefit Lorenzo, at least to know that had little or nothing to do with the conceptual characteristics, expressive and his painting method, it returns to its roots for what has always been, with some personality and obvious result, a painter of manners ; which is therefore interested in the traditions that characterize people of this region, among which love for the powder and the corresponding symphony of noise, full of regional festivals and pagan religion, bullfighting and other activities Castellón make an entire scenario is always connected to the earth, stands with its own identity in this Spain, increasingly plural.

On this occasion (and I think rightly so) Lorenzo Ramírez speaks through his work the vivid color and temperament of someone who handles the technical and some of its resources, security and trade. With a firm stroke, sometimes very schematic, many of his paintings, especially those that deviate formally simple narrative description of the object, buy a decorative beauty, where treatment is free of brush strokes wrapped up in expressive gestures of great suggestion in the speech.

Apparently, Lorenzo Ramirez continued his walk search and experimentation, gradually moving away from those years where the outcome of his paintings (mostly landscapes of large celajes) approached him directly to the expressionism "Porcariano" Impressionist reminiscence. At present this exhibition, the artist travels to a major release of its palette, making a colorful result, more reading suggestions and freedom in the visual field and also aims to convey content. With a language close to an iconography Fauvist, Lorenzo is moving away from those "scenarios" grayed out, that little or no difference with established reference source emanating from the work of the master Juan Bautista Porcar Ripollés (1889 -1974) and Lorenzo drank in each of his paintings, almost to "drown" (I hope you've already been quenched their thirst.)

Moreover Ramirez around custom themes is something that is appreciated with hopeful optimism and encouragement, as in this line, and very few applicants, have been the grounds on which to recreate intense painters area, the vast majority, very few exceptions, have always seized with a simple, descriptive and very superficial, which apart from not providing anything new, or the content, or form, are detrimental achieve highest intent and cultured values identity.

Lorenzo would be good to take note of this because there even some examples in this exhibition, which would have been better not to have exposed, echoing precisely this issue. He has been a "scholar" of the work of Picasso, should know that the genius from Malaga said, "I do not paint what I see, I paint what I feel and everything that can be imagined is real" and that the concept of reality should not be understood in art, doing real things but the reality of things, is why the shrine of the Magdalene recreated through the eyes of a painter, should be more than the simple description and surface of a modest white building located on the heights of a mountain, where we come in massive pilgrimage when the festivities of the Magdalena, and much more too it should be, the Basilica of the Virgin of Lidón, the absolute mistress region as well as other aspects and elements that distinguish this area both as to the idiosyncrasies of Castellon.

Despite this reflection, I think the shows that now offers Lorenzo Ramirez Castalia Iuris cultural center, and will remain open to the public until the next day, April 6, has not only a laudable quality beauty, if not broadly consistent with our city's momentum in these days of big party Magdalena, where it is recalled that since 1251 the population of this area established their permanent settlement and prosperous, fertile at the Castellon, search approach and also an outlet to the Mediterranean Sea. That is why I invite all to attend to her, because I am sure you will enjoy.

to the next installment. Amaury Suárez

Friday, March 18, 2011

Does Duct Tape Work On Skin Moles?

"You run of Loneliness?

Hello friends today I found a quote that I found very interesting concerning the solitude and I wanted to share with you.
Why, in general, avoids the loneliness? Because there are few who find themselves company. Carlo Dossi.
Loneliness is something we all need at different times in our lives, I think it's healthy that give us a time to be with ourselves, know the background, so we understand who we are, we need, we enjoy and we attain that moment of joy and happiness without other company than ourselves.

love being with people, especially those we love most, because I like to share with them pleasant moments of our existence, as well as to share the moments in which we are not filled with happiness and Instead of sadness with us for some reason, like everything in life, the ups and downs at different stages in life happen, and be accompanied at that time is precious and we really appreciate it.

the same way I love the moments of solitude voluntary or not, enjoy, I call "me time".
I remember in the past did not enjoy these moments, solitude became places of sadness and feeling very bad now understand that there is nothing better than enjoying your own company, have the opportunity to do what I like to maybe read a good book, listen to the music you want and sing it no matter what. What you choose to do no problem, because the important thing is that I feel good even if not in the company.

loneliness as much as the company requires self-knowledge, to know that being alone is not to be isolated, does not mean being alone, loneliness Change is an opportunity to give yourself a moment.

Practical Exercise: Choose a time of day to be with yourself, think about what they most enjoy doing and choose to do so.
Prepare everything you need to enjoy time with yourself, if it is difficult for you at first, try to isolate the thoughts of other people need, think about what you like, you can be something as simple as choosing and enjoy your favorite songs alone in the park or a place where nobody bothers you.

Hotdog Waffle Pinoy Recipe

grandparent's childhood.

Dear readers.

On March 10 the room was opened in the street piggy bank Bancaja 82 Enmedio our city an exhibition entitled "Joguets." "Memòria d'una infantesa, which shows the collection of old photographs and toys Ms. Maria Montesinos and that will be exposed to the public until April 30.

are many sensations experienced when contemplating this exhibition, the first of all perhaps, a great tenderness for those young protagonists of children at the time (today's grandparents) serious and proud that we pose for the camera with his favorite toy. F images otografías with ancient techniques such as hand-colored lighting of unreality, a sepia toning, and all yellowed over time, fused into that nostalgia but not experienced, we passed back to a healthy imagination, candid and beautiful values \u200b\u200bof participation, fellowship and generosity between friends games, on the contrary, today we are so absent and almost forgotten, replaced by electronic devices such sedentary Anglo name, made very probably in the Far East, not of the wise men, if not then where a man is willing to work for a bowl of boiled rice a day, thanking and worshiping a leader who once spoke of the meaning of being "Red", but as in the photos in this exhibition, now pales in capitalist pink all other fear and admire. Current toys that encourage a lot of loneliness, violence and selfishness that slowly becomes victimize our children and grandchildren.

Today Gone are those games where the streets and the ever-renewed nature, were the favorite scenes of the games of those children, where the sparkling imagination sought refuge in the modest and sometimes everyday material resources that formed the recreational purpose; a piece of wood, a piece of cardboard, a sheet of painted brass, and sometimes nude, daily cord of esparto or the gum elastic rubber piece together, or that resistant iron ring chirp characteristic, which served to construct that favorite toy of all, the most desirable, the most modern, one that more was shared between inseparable friends . Up and down the slopes of the street where he lived the grandfather and father in this, that and smiling quietly watched the scene fun and childish fun sitting in that sturdy cane chair, who used to lean on the wall of the facade this modest home.

This is certainly a beautiful exhibition to the memory and admiration of those children (now our grandparents) who once thought to grow and grow, becoming men and women, leaving Peter Pan and the company of these beautiful toys, their toys, but never happiness and remember that these are caused in its infancy. And now, his face cracked by the experience of the years, with eyes covered with cloud, excited smile back to playing with old toys, and also with friends of old, when they are not all they were.

to the next installment. Amaury Suárez

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Combine Baptism And First Birthday Invite

Where lack of clarity keeps you from moving forward successfully

When we are fully committed to achieving the goals of life that we have proposed, the achievement of several of them, leave space in our route to go for new goals . Sometimes we have so many things in mind we want to pursue, because of this, there are many ideas that seem feasible and roads that are attractive us to continue our successful way forward.
When we have absolute clarity about the next step we want to give, the world can present thousands of roads and your mind will show that each has its advantages, and ultimately, the result is:

  • · Confusion
  • · Wastage of time
  • · Lost address
  • · empty feeling
  • · Concern about the future
  • · Desperation and feelings impotence, etc. .

previous symptoms vary from person to person, but inevitably something happens, when we have not taken a brief respite in our accelerated career day.
Today, I found that break, and dissipate my doubts about the next step I have to give in my path to success, in my present journey into the future that awaits me, and after thinking and thinking Bearing in mind all the things I could do at this stage of my life and my career, everything was to be a tempting way to go, but deep inside me, the answer was given long ago, after studying the possibilities of repeating what I really wanted to achieve, to weigh a lot, and listening to suggestions from other people especially my husband, I realized I had that answer for a long time and had refused to see me perhaps out of fear.
take an important decision to take the next step in my career, jumped into my main focus right now has been a relief to mental stress I'd been feeling the past two months without even knowing it.
To which I'm going with this, the relevant point is that it presents to make decisions with mental clarity sure path to success future. Considering that the more we give back to different ideas, the more confusing is the problem and more difficult to know what you want.

Therefore I suggest that when you have to take a next step to get where you want, skip the thinking of thousands of options, and put yourself in the task of clarifying what you really want to achieve , what is your inner self tells you to do , and does por qué resulta tan importante o ventajoso para ti el lograr eso pronto?.
Ya que hayas resuelto estas inquietudes, puedes sentirte más tranquilo para tomar una decisión más acertada, que sin importar la dificultad que presente el llevarla a cabo, te presentará una a una las soluciones que puedes comenzar a utilizar para ir dándole forma a tu meta.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Laptop Thermal Paste

"Comba10. Best least more"

Dear Readers:

occasion of the celebration of international day working women, on 8 March was opened to the public in Room Castellón Bancaja Abbey, located in Grass Plaza s / n, an exhibition entitled "What paint women?". An exhibition featuring the unique Comba Group 10, composed entirely of women dedicated to the creation in the arts, and this time pay due tribute to those painters who covers the history of art.

With a clear interest in claiming the role of women in the field of art, the group composed Comba Rosana 10 Asensio, M ª Carmen López Olivares, Sara Lloret, M ª Carmen Aldás, Pilar Edo, Maria Griñó, Agustina Ortega, Eloisa Aldás, Tere Colomé y María Olmeda, nos presenta un amplio y variado abanico de diversas iconografías de artistas femeninas, que han estado presente en la historia del arte desde los tiempos del Alto Renacimiento Italiano, hasta la época actual y que en esta muestra, conviven en esa intención de recreación “dual” entre la obra de la pintora homenajeada y la interpretación de la que le rinde el tributo. En la exposición cada pieza (cuadros, instalación y fotografía) está acompañado de un panel donde se reseñan los datos biográficos de la artista homenajeada, así como algunos aspectos de interés de su carrera artística y personal, lo cual aporta y refuerza educational and instructive nature of the sample and adds a plus in their communicative value to the public. Merging into a single result, where the use of ownership (at least in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe speech) is present and where in some cases, the result gives the plastic work of great interest, both in concept, and the invoice work, (but always with some exceptions). It may be timely opportunity for the group to rethink the concept of unity, rather than surface issues affinity character or gender, by focusing on quality and seriousness that each member undertakes his work and projects, because that form, will be the only thing contribute to greater professionalism, interest and value of the group. It would be nice play down the "10" group Comba two or three digits, in order to deliver more with less, (but this is just a suggestion).

Although this exposure could praise its staging, and even his noble intention to claim the valuable role he has played for so long women in various activities of life, this exhibition is a good example that shows that of good intentions is paved the road to hell. On the other hand, from the point of view of art this is not sufficient, as this is the stage where thanks to undeniable harmony between content and form, can be sublime ideas. But in this show there are clear examples (to which I shall refer below) that show us that even very valid in their aims and intentions, leave much to be desired in the way they run, which is detrimental to the overall quality of all in this exhibition in particular and the whole group.

exposure from left to right ...

From simple and very schematic view could be considered Rosana Asensio presents the work of Lavinia Fontana, where we see a dangerous approach to an outcome that the simple and cartoonish strokes in form, making disservice to the refined technique of the artist from Bologna. Perhaps it was the rush causing this result, or simply lack of interest in delving deeper into the subject, do not know, but it is clear that on this occasion, Rosana has not lived up to such exquisite Italian painter since the cot stroking the rigor of the trade with the example of his father, the great painter Prospero Fontana.

M ª Carmen López Olivares ventures into the work of Artemisia Gentileschi and Sofonisba Anguissola in a beautiful diptych of intent surreal, wherein the composition is broken and the color is the main character. Its result is very beautiful and high quality, you can not deny that feel very comfortable moving into these baroque atmospheres where the lights and shadows give the result of exquisite beauty.

M ª Carmen Aldás with the work of Mary Cassatt made a somewhat child, both the elementary use of color, for the simplicity of the design that uses, transforming the beauty of the original work (based only the reason is in the domain and strength of color) in a more simple, "beautiful" and very decorative.

with safe passage and set to a language that characterizes him, Maria Griñó recreates a work of Suzanne Valadon. Griñó not risk solutions and experiments that are not related, he prefers to make its way and way of thinking about painting and that is appreciated, because although we may remember the work of Suzanne Valadon, we will present a picture of Maria Griñó.

Sara Lloret in their work based on that of Tamara Lempicka, tells us about the color, the broad textural appeal before it, the ability to express in turn the reason for the referral, in a more proper and staff, providing of good quality and breadth of plastics resources. Although inspired by Lempicka, Sara Lloret shows one's own work, personality, strength and beauty that places it among my favorites.

not so lucky in the outcome Agustina Ortega, his work inspired by the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, for which there is only a simplistic and superficial mention of the topic, part of a resource misuse of collage, rather than queuing or adhesion, is a "blob." His work is sloppy, crude and poor bill, but above all it is, the Manichean and elemental in his speech (for Frida Mexican shield for the Agustina de Castellón) as if the whole world anxious Mexican surrealist simply be reduced a national symbol, and if this does not have enough "straw" in the box, filled it with phrases and ideas, which both have become repeated topicazos of we've all heard of, but nobody knows what they mean, and if not, atenednos to what is in view. To finish just say as a compliment, that Ortega did not go heavily favored in his own portrait, if not modesty, or lack of knowledge in the drawing.

Moreover Pilar Edo invites from his work, inspired by the Hispano-Mexican painter Remedios Varo, to enjoy the vast resources of the printing, collage and the accident, making a very rich result plastic resources that goes beyond the typical illustrator Varo's work to turn it into a more plastic and experimental. Under an iconography of disturbing "surreality" allows us to see their capacity to provide personnel on the ground for reference.

Teresa Colomer presents a work inspired by the work of Susan Rothenberg New York artist of undeniable artistic value, the texture is already part of his label and is something that the local artist has been maturing for some time, but This time I do not think there is a correspondence with the painter in question, not just their iconography are different, but the speech he professed in his works. Colomer composition based on the hegemony of the cuts on the canvas, the more the spatial links of Lucio Fontana, which Rothenberg. Contemporary although sometimes confusing and impenetrable, also has its own rules and personalities and demands of us more culture and information to know and respect.

This time I do not think any successful piece of Maria Olmeda, then reduce the undisputed, "self-flagellating" deep conceptual richness found in the work of Gina Pane, the facility that he proposes is little more than an insult to the intelligence, more characteristic of a window decoration for cheap products, with a vase and red flowers wither and razor blades scattered on the ground, shows little respect for art and more than a homage to such an outstanding artist it could be considered as an offense. No doubt a clear example of how superficial to see and understand contemporary art that have some, when in fact he (contemporary art) is conditioned by the complex learning of his approach, he was forced at times to drown in the secrecy of his own speech, but that, to be recreated in surface size. Olmeda clear that he has to worry about, I do not know Gina Pane of this exhibition and especially (weight ratio greater than) that art note their absence since 1990.

To complete the picture of Eloisa Aldás linked to the work of Dorothea Lange I think in your proposal, not only painfully "beautiful", if not quite in line with the intentions conceptual documentary chronicling the U.S. printed their own. As a good "disciple", Eloisa Aldás intended to show the path of their intentions with this example that testifies to the harsh reality of chronic contained heartbreaking.

I encourage you all to attend to see this diverse group sample Comba10. The exhibition will remain open until April 3.

to the next installment

Amaury Suárez