Thursday, February 11, 2010

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ACTA and intentions (Part II) ACTA

Governments of the countries involved argue that the texts of international agreements are not public until the negotiating process has finished. Right. What matters here is that one of the key players not invited to the table. That changes everything.
MINUTES little is known only by those leaked testimony in conference like the one held last month in Mexico to discuss whether the Government withdraws the Mexican people have earned him and then trample Individual Rights
want companies like Telmex have enough infrastructure to monitor and review the content that each of us and consultation low Internet. They want to not even investigate, the first suspect to download enough content large an alert is sent to the user. And so on up to three to unsubscribe from the service and do not go on weeping with the other company, because you can not hire a service.
The way to combat piracy and smuggling, it seems, has more to do with ending the corruption that allows to limit the free use of Internet, an essential tool for the development of Mexico .
There are groups such as ACTA anti Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free Software Foundation headed by Richard Stallman operator of Copyleft; Facebook groups such as New Zealand and Twitters @ nzacta; also groups such as Free Art and Technology and organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, which promotes open source software and free expression that have been instrumental in Iran, and China, Cuba or Venezuela to the brunt of the blame.

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and intentions to change

While little is said of elusive subject of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, better known as ACT, an international agreement to combat counterfeiting and piracy.
not know yet what was the need the establishment of this agreement in our country ... Do not think that Mexico is the only country that is getting ridiculous these businesses , but even more strange countries appear in this international agreement, such is the case of Ma Morocco, Singapore, Nva. Zealand led by countries to which it is understood as United States, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea and the European Union all negotiated an agreement to establish a legal and anti-piracy enforcement agencies, which originally envisage physical goods only, but now known to reach consumption of intangibles such as circulating on the Internet.
ACTA provides for sanctions as temporary or permanent ban for using the Internet to people they suspected that they are conducting illegal activities.
The exclusion of civil society debate has made even the Senate begin to lobby the executive to make the text of the agreement.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mrs Rina Over Mommys Knee


Why so hard to begin new stages? What is the fear of failure?

I have fear of the future and a new stage, which start to build my life. I'm full of questions, and very few can give me an answer. I know the road is full of stones that cause you to trip, but it is also full of people who help you get up.
Today I think about all lived and tears of happiness fall slowly, I do not regret anything and I thank God for all the beautiful moments you gave me, and for the family and friends I have.
Just today I open my eyes with nostalgia for the past, behind friends, experiences, sorrows, joys, hugs, kisses, not given, gifts received, unforgettable moments and would remain there, living lived, the insurance , which I know will happen and not escape
I would be forever a child and live in those stories where everything is perfect, but today I know that life is about much more than that, I open to the future with high expectations to start my journey.
Today I have desires to dream, desire of life enjoy courage to achieve my desires, joy to run, jump and breathe
Today conclude that life is a long journey full of everything, therefore the best thing you can do is take