Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inconclusive Clamidia Result

"Confluence" An exhibition with pleasure.

Dear Readers:

"Confluence" is the title that the young artist has chosen Altea Castellon Grau, and will be open to the public until next day January 29 at the Municipal Cultural Center of the Calle Antonio Maura, 4. A beautiful exhibition which "joins" the conceptual intent of speeches, with the power and beauty of the images.

Refugee and informal, as the formal aspect of the work is concerned, the artist tackles a wide range of techniques and procedures, most of the engraving, but also in the exhibition are examples too simple but nice two facilities. Being just the formal aspect, which allows a clear harmony or "confluence" as author of the sample, despite the various concepts in the discourse of the works. This aspect, (the formal) is involved in a nostalgic, reminds me so much the art of the 50 United States of America that abstract expressionism of Pollock and above all, Cy Twombly ( second image of the paragraph) or even the one disturbing "Spaziale" by Lucio Fontana, who in turn baby's dynamic and almost frantic Rayonism Russian Mikhail Larionov, emerged a few years earlier, around 1910.

But whatever the influences, on the other hand, no one is exempt from having them, the exposure of the young artist Altea Grau, these samples is well worth see, because it is certainly a pleasure for our eyes, as the rigor and good bill on the results of their work, talk about a serious and steady, suitable only for those who seek their art to reach top rankings sites , recognition and prestige, on her own merits and in an honest way.

Congratulations to the artist and the Municipal Cultural Center of the Calle Antonio Maura 4, it exhibits how are you, we forget those recent, which would have been better not to have seen.

to the next installment. Amaury Suárez

Friday, January 7, 2011

Good Songs To Dance To For Talent Shows 2010

State and regional collective agreement

s Hi everyone,

Today I would like to speak of collective agreements, whether state or regional level and differentiating the functional level, ie within your profession depending on what type of establishment you work.

really surprises me that people are so poorly informed on these issues, many people are lost in such letter or decrees and eventually lose interest, too bad because after all is what feeds us, and without knowing your rights, do not know what to demand. Remember that this is precisely what interests them the entrepreneurs play the confusion to get the most benefit of employees. The worst thing is when we offered a job as convention and stayed only with the wages we receive, and a collective agreement is much more. But let's start from the beginning to the most lost ...

What is a collective agreement?

A Collective Agreement is the agreement between the representatives of workers and employers to set working conditions and productivity in the workplace determined. To be valid, collective agreements must be in writing and be filed with the labor authorities to apply from the time when the parties so agree.
is, in our country, our convention charged with improving the trade unions CCOO and UGT . This is clear why physios colleges wash their hands with this issue, and should be the employee (affiliated guess) who put pressure on unions to improve the agreement.
The regions that have no collective agreement itself (autonomic) are governed by the collective agreement state, which may be revised independently by each territorial delegation of trade unions in each community.
Here you state the collective agreements in force:
- For institutions:


And here wage revisions made by some communities:
Aragon 2009 - 2010: Rise of 4% each year

And here the State Convention for Nursing Homes:

and salary review for 2010
Soon be published the 2011 review

I would stress that when we are offered a contract by agreement, it marks a set annual hours and to work more hours than stipulated in the agreement shall be deemed as overtime, obviously better paid or entitled to accumulate those hours as a rest. For example, in the first convention centers, requires annual 1729h or 38h 30 'weekly. The plus for night is EUR 275.67.
addition, if we work at another location and split shift, we are entitled to financial compensation. And of course we are entitled to a bonus for seniority.
In 2006, the base salary stipulated in EUR 1102.68 but must apply each year for inflation adjustments, which should sue the unions. Hence, the CCAA has 2006 base salary.


- Catalunya : agreement health facilities (2007-2010) and residences of the 3rd age at which their activity is primarily health and except all public schools to pay review in 2009

Regarding the state convention highlights these differences:
- the base salary, 1555.9
euros in 2009 - annual 1734h
- + 42.46 euros if we split shift + EUR 45.21
- + 354.02 euros if you work at night, from 22h to 6h.

This agreement ended in 2010, 2011, revised or renewed.

Vitae Thanks to our partner for the information.

This agreement seems to me really bad, as it were equivalent, the basic wage prescribed in the collective agreement state in 2006, or about 1100 euros in base salary. No wonder that in this way appear trash in many tenders physiotherapy forums, usually offers that are of Madrid.
"Possible causes? "Superopoblación of physios in Madrid? "Employers more aggressive? "Regional Delegation unions more passive? I have no answer, what is certain is that it should give a hint to unions to renew the agreement in full and equate it to what is living in a city like Madrid.

1720.12 stand out above the base salary euros.

- Galicia: Private residences of the 3rd Age (2006-2008)

Thanks to fellow elkin:
salary below the state collective residences.

EUR 1363.83 base salary

undoubtedly the worst of collective agreements in Spain in terms of health concerns, which provides the base salary of 858.44 euros physiotherapist.

- Andalucía: in this CCA, each province has a different agreement for health care, here is the link salariaaes tables and annual hours / week, and the term of the agreement. To better visualize must be registered with the College of physios in Andalusia, or you can download the table in your pc. Thanks to our colleague Bansky for the information.

I tried all the conventions of most clearly, especially conventions centers, residences of the 3rd age and private hospitals. The Autonomous Communities that do not appear, either have no regional agreement and use the state or just not have found.

I set out to create this blog to bring together all possible information on physiotherapy in labor issues, and spark critical thinking in our country physios. I hope that little by little, we all think that beyond what we offer is hidden right, just before signing a contract you have to read the agreement that affects you. From there, if something is not right, should be requested. It is therefore vital that when you go to an interview work, not sign until you have read the agreement, or if you know her beforehand not accept under what conditions for the good of the profession.

I hope you have been helpful, cheers!

Sources: BOE

physiotherapists Col • legi de Catalunya
legal agreements