? Colleagues from Punta Arenas, react
once proposed: together to negotiate together with Isapres.
TO KNOW THAT IS A AG, LES DEO D FORMATION HISTORY OF THE OLDEST AG that corresponds TO OUR REGIONAL COLLEGE OF V REGION AND TO ITS Demosthenes THE REASON FOR LEAVING D TO ACT ALONE AND GIVE THE PHYSIOTHERAPISTS REAL VALUE TO COLLECT. on 07 April, the College of Physiotherapists 19 990 V Region, commenced the 1st. of the AG of our school and physiotherapists d chile "" "17 years ago in which the idea of \u200b\u200bgrouping together to negotiate with Isapres." "At the meeting of the day April 7, 1990 approving the negotiating proposal. On 23 May the same year the agreement was formalized in the Notary of Don Raul Tavolari V., Viña del MarPor those years, some came to a head Isapres unless FONASA pay us for services and were often the paycheck is delayed more than 30 working days to reach our hands, no contract agreement could be modified and questioned much the services provided by us that climate, colleagues and Leopoldo Peña Camilo Galindo were engaged in developing a program of agreements, to negotiate with the Isapres in better condition. After many meetings the first agreements were made: 1) Define a minimum fee just and dignified. It was established in F3 +30% (FONASA level 3 plus 30%) business hours, backed by a cost study which concluded they had features that were subsidized by us, or that the final cost of the procedure was greater than that received in the bond. There were two more levels. The F3 F3 +50% and +70%, levels that remain until today. 2) Developed a contract with the Private Health Insurance, which set certain standards mainly to shorten the time of payment. The interesting thing here is that now is the Isapre will sign the agreement drafted by the AG3) The AG will be the pinnacle of the school and entry requirements, of course voluntary, is to be collegial and enabled, to sign a notarial mandate be represented by a bargaining Isapres (form of income that continues to this day) .4) A member the AG should not have duality in meaning also appear in a society with a level below the minimum established by the AG5) Companies that are in the AGdeben Kinesiologists ensure that all the colleges are up and enabled, not Otherwise, the whole society will be removed from the conventions as a colleague individual.6) There was an automatic adjustment of the tariff agreement, taking as reference the FONASA Level 3 30-50 or 70% over what prevents all converse of valores.7 years) will be maintained in a spirit of free choice, without referral of members, with good spread of colleagues convenio.8) Any change will be in charge of this AGCon start negotiations with the various Isapres. Like any new process there was agreement and disagreement with some institutions, others did not welcome the idea as AG negotiators retreated to their constituents. At that time amounted to 90% of chiropractors in the fifth region. Some colleagues who were not on the AG share the criterion of the minimum values \u200b\u200beither through bonds or against ballot and a small number of colleagues made Isapres agreements directly with lower levels, with the latter, we defended against charges of monopoly by some institutions. Isapres to be some agreements with virtually no physical therapists, decided to call back to the AG to resume negotiations and finally signing contracts terminaronn términos.En it under our operational highlights Isapres Isapres in agreement and in no agreement on the latter if the fellow member of the association, must comply either individually or through partnerships, agreements AGActualmente our AG is still the only country and the region with higher levels of convenios.Es the guild who sets the tariff policy, the accreditation of specialty and the correct low ethical standards and técnicos.Actualmente Isapres been interested in making agreements with the AG, because they feel that there is greater guarantee the excellence of the treatment, so much so that some institutions are only interested in making agreements exclusively through AGPOR COLLEAGUES PLEASE THINK WE ARE EXPERTS IN WHAT WE DO BEST AND NOBODY CAN KNOW THAT WE VALUE OUR WORK AND WE ONLY HOW WE CAN SHOW worth. DO NOT FORGET THAT THE ONLY SON ISAPRES companies keep INES D WITH PROFITS AND THAT NO S POIBLE handle our money YM, ENSO TO PAY WHEN AND HOW WE WANT ......... ELLS ALTHOUGH THERE COLLEAGUES TO GIVE THEM WHAT LEVEL 2 ONLY WHAT IS AN INJUSTICE WITHOUT MEASURE YOUR AGE AND EDUCATION AND CAPACITACION.Atentamente, Oscar