Friday, April 29, 2011

Fakku Server Down 2011

remember experiences ...

Hi dear friends

I greet you and wish that this day has a beginning fabulous weekend, full of joy, surprise and happiness with your family.

Today I wanted to do an analysis of my achievements, based on final decisions that I made and I found this picture, we are posing for a souvenir photo, I'm the one who is standing at the right end with brown jacket.

This was one of my first groups of experiential workshops that I organized, it was good to get this picture in my workshops I had no previous idea of \u200b\u200btaking a picture to remember, and yet in my mind the people who were present at each workshop, are in my mind every day.

This workshop was a pretty special group, full of people wanting to get ahead, with a heart full of things to share, I love this experience. I learned many things from them, is beautiful when you meet with a group of people who have the same objective: to improve and enrich human beings 100%.

I keep every experience as a great treasure, and this photo reminds me that I could get to hit this group with my teaching, in the same way they impacted my life with theirs.

If you want to know more about the workshops or you want me to impart a workshop in your company you can visit this link or request information:

And remember visiting my blogs that are updated regularly for you

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Does Karestase Do A Keratin Treatment

to reflect ...

be honest I do not say everything you think, but not never say the opposite of what you think. Andre Maurois.

resists because
Language is soft, teeth yield because they are hard. Chinese Proverb.

read the world wrong and then say that it deceives us. Rabindranath Tagore.

is true, we often complain about the world and God himself, the things that gives us, experience our part to live in difficult situations that some live, how lucky we are some others as if we were not ultimately responsible for anything or anyone, if I change the world around us and all others responsible for the situation today.

But how far we are from reality, because the world who is wrong, everything is a simple interpretation of what we want to believe, what is more convenient for everyone, it's easier to blame others to accept our full responsibility for what happens in our environment.

When we accept that we are responsible for 100% of the world we live in every situation and every good or bad things happening to us, we are beginning to open our minds, and the solutions of these rationales appear quickly, making us see a different route where we fix ourselves what needs to be repaired.

Newton's Homemade Scooters

A flexible person

Human relations successful is an important issue for every individual. In our society people are strong and hard and soft character and people with weak character.

Sometimes the eyes of the people is much better than a person has a strong character, because it helps you not be influenced, and not allow others want to take advantage of them, on the other hand people with nature weak are very impressionable and often allow another way to handle their actions that end up giving in to what others say.

In short, a person with a strong character can seem very sure of herself and to respect their ideas and space at all times. However, some people with this kind of character also tend to think that their ideas are the only reasonable and that the ideas and thoughts of others that contradict what they think does not make much sense, often close to this, refusing to accept that things may be different, being against it, people can not be inflexible where gray to them, things are black or white but never gray.

A person of character soft or weak, has accepted most of the ideas and thoughts of others, often changes his mind so easily simply to please others, so, who is you lose respect for these people, and begins to manipulate at will and he realizes that the weak person does not resist. In this sense, the weak person seems not to have your own opinion, since it is more important what others say or think the same.

between these two types of character there is an ideal of character which is flexible enough to respect and understand other points of views, ideas and opinions of the people, and so firm as to keep one's viewpoint without allowing it to disrespect yourself.

A person who is able to balance his character that everyone has the right understanding to be and think differently, even though this is firm to their beliefs, and interact with others who think differently without any problems, have tolerance, empathy and flexibility to have successful human relations.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yogita Bali In Swim Suit

guarantee successful relationships THERE GREAT TALENT, BUT BIG WILL (Honore de Balzac)

Undoubtedly, this event is defined something that is very true, the talent of a person can measure the extent will have to develop to their full potential.
Each and every one of us, we come into the world with hundreds of talents, many of them are still housed in the depths of our inner self, others however, we decided to take them to the surface and start working with them to make them grow and develop in its heyday.

But what defines a very talented person of another is not so?

His tenacity, his security, his decision to work for what he believes is the best we can do, or is that for what has come to this world.

A person who is very talented you can find in its history beginning as early as the one that has not developed his talent, but the difference lies in the decision to practice, to use their gifts to use them and forge a future, to serve himself and to serve others.
someone who understood the benefits of working for what you want, not to be good at something, but to be better than it already is, better than himself.
's will is strong and talented ability to rise to what would be a failure for another is what makes him worthy to benefit from their talents.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Live View / - Axis China


During the various stages of our lives, we often face difficult situation, that fill us with concern and make us think that problems are bigger than they appear, we believe that it is almost impossible to find a solution to the situation we are experiencing difficult and began to feel that the floor starts to open below us, giving us a deep sense of emptiness, sadness and anxiety, which allow us to think far to find solutions, the only thing that gives us stress that as a result is close our minds and eliminates the opportunity to see a light on the road.

To help cope with these difficult moments of life, occurring without warning, and so that manage to deal with them in a more easily achieved more solutions than problems in your life. I present 4 things that you can implement:

# 1. EVITA EXPLANATIONS SEARCH YOUR PROBLEM: Most people when faced with a difficult situation, the first thing is to think over and over again on grounds that explain because they are living this situation, because to them, for now, because well, etc.

Spending time thinking about the problem so much worry and anxiety causes them trying to answer these arguments, it becomes a much more stressful because it is adding more negative charge to the problem and further explanation of that act enlarging the problem to a greater degree.

# 2. SEARCH IS GUILTY OF NOTHING: Another practice commonly used by most people, and we all fall at some point, is to try to place blame for what happens to us. In this way it is easier to position out of trouble and not be responsible.

Instead of seeking responsible, chosen remedy the same, so you avoid spending time in anxiety, stress, sadness, worry, and all these negative feelings and emotions that carry with them when they are facing problems as soon as possible .

# 3. LESSONS WANTED TO BRING THIS SITUATION: certainly when we face a problematic situation, it is difficult to find something positive from it. Especially if we're programmed to think negative.

However, everything in life brings a lesson attached. Look what this situation can teach you, that serves you experience this situation, they were unaware of before living thing that situation and now you're living it you're aware of it.

# 4. ANALYZE THAT CAN LEARN FROM EXPERIENCE: similar to the previous point, as every situation in your life brings with it a teaching is true, that every event teaches you something, ie you can learn from everything you experience in your life.

Then it analyzes you can learn from your experience this, focus on learning something about it.

Unfortunately sometimes we have to suffer or face really tough situations, but only that way we learn things that are important to continue to evolve and reach our full potential.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bearded Dragon Optrex

A two for one with quality. Sculptures


With the titles of "introspection" and "The Heritage of Arachne" are exposed to the public in the ways rooms of provincial cultural center "classrooms" of our city, the exhibition of women painters and Eva Córdoba experienced Armelle Pilar Edo, respectively.

The first, a young painter who has pleasantly surprised me with their jobs, not just for cleanliness and precision of the finish of his pictures, but because he knows "mask" well some of its shortcomings, very typical for Moreover, his self-taught, especially on issues related to drawing and composition, something that denotes not only tasteful but also intelligence.

One aspect that caught my attention in this exhibition, that language is "graphic" Cordoba Armelle used in his paintings, based on a treatment of "ink" flat like a silkscreen or offset printing involved. At present and for quite some time, and there is a painting technique such as acrylic, which greatly helps to obtain the same treatment and outcome but nevertheless this young author is using the oil technique to achieve the same result " What is the cause? "Trait" novelty "Ignorance or just preference? The fact is that without doubt his paintings as fragmented maze puzzles white outline, convey a feeling a bit "naive" in that language poster, fitting and used in the past decades of early twentieth century, mainly in streams Art Deco and Art Nouveau (Modernism in Spain).

For now I have to say, the beginning for this painter has been good, but both "recent" hobby, as his early youth, it allows me the time to develop a greater and wider appreciation of work. I have only wish him luck and say that the real success is to the extent that one can be consolidated in the consistency and rigor for the job.

Moreover, the experienced Pilar Edo, presents a series of works, all developed on paper, where the author once again highlight the ability of some resources and procedures, such as stamping, collage and printing or transfer has. The mythological theme of the uncanny ability of Arachne (a weaver mortal) so far as to compete with the very Minerva, has been a matter brought by Pilar well not only to pay due tribute to the women of yesteryear, if not to justify further the course of this series, where the artist intended to cause reflection on the modest and undeserved role women assumed for many years (now less) and Pilar explains very well in the catalog when we say ... "A further task of women's work, where time passes without value, life is consumed slowly, the work does not pay or recognition and what is done is undone. "

A sample that presents us with a very well crafted narrative with elegant coherence and harmony of language, which has taken care of every detail. Perhaps a brief comment to say that there are few examples in the exhibition displayed further away from the subject, where too blamed the decorative sense they have the resources of the printing of the brocades and other fabrics, finding further reinforced the most basic order of their composition and color resources products, causing the sensation of being very repetitive in form and sealed in his speech. I think that although all the works, with very good quality, are those which are hung in the first part of the room (upon entering) the holding entirely conceptual weight of the sample, but in any case, the exposure is not only good if not also beautiful, something that continues to speak very well, the work of Pilar Edo, so I recommend everyone to visit.

provincial cultural center "classrooms" of our city this month passed the test with flying and all thanks to Eva Pilar Córdoba Armelle and Edo, who have taken delight in a good job. Congratulations to both.

The exhibition will be open to the public until 30th April in the hours from Monday to Saturday from 10-14 and 17-21 hours.

to the next installment.

Amaury Suárez.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Brent Everett Andbrent Corrigan

controlling you?

When the relationship is affected because of jealousy, trust is broken and the foundations of a healthy romantic relationship, is polluted and compromised.
It is extremely important to recognize this situation and to address the problem, in order to find harmony and balance of both the person who conceals, and the relationship.

Check out this video:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To Get Mystic Ticket In Emerald Gbsphone

Why is it important to forgive?

Many times when they hurt us greatly, or perhaps when we are the ones we hurt those we love most, it is extremely difficult to come to forgive the offense, and even forgive ourselves achieve the behavior performed. It is in these moments where guilt, resentment, disappointment, anger or frustration are nested in the heart of the person and begins to wreak havoc in your life.

All these negative feelings, they begin to consume the person so that your life stops being pleasant and agreeable, and becomes instead, plenty of moments to remember the bitterness of the situation experienced this suffering to which we cling does not allow us to feel freedom and serenity, but also carried a burden that we decided to keep holding it for long.

Some people believe that forgiveness makes them weak, it is common to hear, "May God forgive you because I do not forgive." But forgiveness far from being a balm of peace for the other person, it is important by the tranquility and peace of mind of the person who is offended, abused, etc.

The importance of forgiveness lies in clearing all the negative feelings causing you this emotion, free of the anger, hatred and bitterness and feel at peace because your feelings do not keep your heart damage. The

remain the same person who hurt you is choice, it is not cover the sun with a finger trying to remove from your heart that hurts you, they are negative feelings, and continue with your life, because you're ready.

Forgiveness is not easy, it's a road that crosses slowly and gradually, so no do it for the good of others, do it because that's best for you, do not charge toxic emotions that defile your mind.

Betsy And Adam At Davids Bridal

Dear Readers:

With all my might be called the last exhibition was inaugurated on April 7 in space Castalia cultural exhibition center Iuris of our city, located in the Plaza Cardona Vives, 10 - (basement), the young sculptor Manuel Martí Moreno (Valencia, 1979).

Although the sample could remind us some background iconographic reference such as: the Catalan Jaume Plensa, (image 1 paragraph) the Israeli Niso Maman (picture 2 of paragraph ) or even some young goldsmith work of Canadian Bert Lambie, (picture 3 of paragraph) sample Marti Moreno, is of great aesthetic appeal and a good command of both technical aspects drawing and anatomy, as those involved in the process of making parts, such as support, knowledge about the materials used, layout, etc. Martí Moreno shows in his work a set of human heads, some of them of heroic proportions, combining two main types or genres of sculpture, on the one hand, the high relief in which the young sculptor used in their modeling, a fine mesh of plastic or metal way of tulle, which gives the piece not only a disquieting transparency (unusual in this genre) if not also an expressive and sometimes enigmatic facial expressions on display. Moreover, we find the bust sculpture, the latter with a very evocative sense of volume, where the author brings together in a beautiful three-dimensional organic relationship, both the physical volume, as that which justified the virtual space (gap) indicates the correct termination of the piece.

Thus, we find a result that despite the supposed weight that would suggest a head of such proportions, thanks to finish unfinished business sense, the result of the work up before our eyes visual lightness, fragility and beauty.

Perhaps this resource of the fragmented or "unfinished", might well speak in a conceptual sense of his speech, the always necessary capacity to improve you must have the individual throughout his life, or put another way, the need to be built himself gradually. A common truth that has been most consistently represented (as it has done the author) from the anonymous faces that are exposed in the exhibition. As this resource is relevant to all individuals equally, not only allows us to relate and interact better with the environment and other human beings, but it also acts as a valuable tool for survival in the environment.

could also allude to the philosophical meaning that relates to the parties to the whole and vice versa, that we speak of concrete knowledge of reality, which is not in the systematic addition of facts to others, but a process of completion, which comes from all the parties and the parties to it.

But anyway, whatever the cause theoretical result justifying this wonderful exhibition, the fact is that the sample of Manuel Martí Moreno sculptures now on display at the cultural center of our city Iuris Castalia is a good example that I have enjoyed, among other reasons, for its professionalism and aesthetic beauty.

The exhibition will remain open until the next day 26 and would really be a shame not to see it.

to the next installment.

Amaury Suárez.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Seattle Canadian Coin Exchange

a poem by Jaime Sabines


silent love is the finest silent, trembling
most, the most unbearable,
the loving look, the loving are

leaving the ones who change, who forget.
Their hearts tell them that they will never find
not find, seek. The lovers play

to trap water,
tattooing smoke, at staying.
play the long sad game of love Nobody
for resignation.
say that nobody has to resign.
The lovers are ashamed to reach any agreement.

The lovers start singing a song from lips

not learned and they go on crying, crying for beautiful life